Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do
Established in 1984, Wokingham Karate Academy teaches Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do under Sensei Len Sim, 8th Dan.
Welcome to our website. Our club – established in 1984 – is an active member of GKI and meets Sports England accreditation standards. We hope you find these pages interesting and useful.
Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate is a complete system, ideal for self-defence, sport, fitness and health with roots in the Chinese White Crane art.
If Karate is completely new to you, then our advice is to visit a few clubs to get a feel for how they operate. We are always happy to have visitors and new members. Just come to the club and make yourself known. Our students strive for the highest personal standard through commitment, strenuous effort and an enquiring attitude by learning in a safe, disciplined and friendly way.
Classes are held on Wednesday evenings with Monday evenings planned to return in 2024 (except August and public holidays) at Woosehill Hall (by Morrisons), Wokingham, UK. Children’s classes are from 6:30 to 7:30 and adults classes are from 7:40 to 9:00, email for more details.
Our Team
Expert instructors
The team is led by Senior Instructor, Sensei Len Sim 8th Dan supported by Sensei Henrieheta Sim, 7th Dan, Sensei Ivan Levanthal 4th Dan, and Warren Koe 1st Dan (Club Secretary and Welfare).