Glossary of Terms


A, B, C, D

Age TsukeRising Punch  Chiri No Chan ChanSpringyness
Age UkeRising BlockChokusenStraight Line
AshiFootChudanMiddle Or Chest Area
Ashi BaraiFoot SweepChudan Choku TsukeStraight Punch To Body
Ashi UkeFoot BlockChudan Mae GeriFront Kick To The Middle Area
AtamaHeadChudan Shuto UkeMiddle Knifehand Block
Ate WazaBreaking TechniqueChudan (Uchi) UkeBlock From Inside Out With Top Of Wrist
AtemiStriking The Vital PointsChudan Ude Uke (Soto Uke)Forearm Block Against Body Attack
Awase TsukeU Punch  
BudoMartial WayDoWay
BunkaiApplication Of Techniques In KataDogiPractice Suit
BushidoWay Of The WarriorDojoPractice Place

E, F, G

Empi UchiElbow Strike  Gedan UkeDownward Block
  GedanLower Body Area
Fumi KomiStamping KickGeriKick
Gedan Barai UkeDownward Sweeping BlockGoshi (Or Koshi)Hip
Gedan Choku TsukeStraight Punch To GroinGyaku Mawashi GeriReverse Round Kick
Gedan TsukePunch To GroinGyaku TsukeReverse Punch

H, I, J

Hachiji Dachi8 Stance (\ /) Shoulder Width  Hiza GeriKnee Kick
HaishuBackhandInue KamaeDouble Ko Uke Kamae
Haishu UkeBackhand BlockIppon KenOne Knuckle Fist
HaitoRidgehandIppon KumiteOne Step Fight
Haito UchiRidgehand StrikeIppon Seoi NageOne Arm Shoulder Throw
HajimeBeginIri KumiFree Fighting
HanmiHalf Front Facing  
HaraStomachJodanHead Level
HaraiSweepingJodan Age UkeUpper Block Against Head Attack
Heiko DachiParallel StanceJodan Choku TsukeUpper Straight Punch
Heisoku DachiClosed Feet Stance (Attention)Jodan Mae GeriFront Kick To Head
HidariLeftJodan UkeHigh Block
Hiji AteElbow HitJudoGentle Way
Hiriki No YoseiElbow PowerJu JitsuGentle Art
HizaKneeJumbi UndoWarming Up Exercises

K, L

Kakato GeriHeel Kick  KiInner Spirit Or Strength
Kake GeriHooking KickKiaiYell Or Shout
Kake TsukeHook PunchKiba DachiHorse (Straddle Leg) Stance
Kakuto UkeBent Wrist BlockKihon WazaBasic Techniques
KakutoBent-Wrist BlockKihon KumiteBasic Sparring
Kansetsu GeriJoint KickKin (Kinteki) GeriGroin Kick
KarateEmpty HandKiostukeAttention (Command)
KataFormal ExerciseKizami TsukeJab Punch
KataShoulderKoken UkeWrist Block
KeageSnap (Kick)Kokutsu DachiBack Stance
KekomiThrust (Kick)KoshiBall Of The Foot
KendoSword FightingKubiNeck
Kentsui UchiFist Hammer StrikeKumadeBear Hand
Keri (Or Geri) WazaKicking TechniquesKumiteFighting


Ma AiDistancing  MatteStop
Mae Ashi GeriFront Leg KickMawashi GeriRound Kick
Mae Empi UchiForward Elbow StrikeMawashi TsukeRound Punch
Mae Geri Keage“Front “”Snap”” Kick”MigiRight
Mae Geri KekomiFront Thrusting KickMikazuki GeriCresent Kick
Mae GeriFront KickMomoThigh
Mae Hiji AteForward Elbow SmashMorote Sukui UkeTwo-Handed Twist Block
Mae Tobi GeriJumping Front KickMorote Tsukami UkeTwo-Handed Grasping Block
Maeude Deai UkeForearm Pressing BlockMorote TsukeDouble Fist Punch
Maeude Hineri UkeForearm Twist BlockMorote UkeAugmented Forearm Block
MakiwaraStriking BoardMushimiiSticky Feeling
Musubi DachiInformal Attention StanceMusubi Dachi“Open Feet Stance

N, O, P, Q, R

Nage WazaThrowing Techniques  Osae UkePressing Block
Nakadaka Ippon KenMiddle Finger One Knuckle FistOtoshi Hiji AteDownward Elbow Hit
Nekoashi DachiCat StanceOtoshi UkeDropping Block
Nidan GeriDouble Kick  
  Reinoji Dachi“Tick”” Stance”
ObiBeltRen TsukeAlternate Punching
Oi TsukeStepping Or Lunge PunchRenzoku GeriCombination Kick

S, T

Sanchin DachiFundamental (High) Stance  Soto UkeWrist Block From Outside
Sanren TsukeThree Consecutive PunchesSukui UkeScooping Block
Seisan DachiTurned Version Of Shiko Dachi  
SeikenForefistTai SubakiBody Movement; Side Sliding Or Pivoting
SenseiTeacher Or InstructorTameshiwari“Power Demonstration
ShihanHead InstructorTandenArea Below The Navel And The Center Of Ki
Shiko DachiSquare StanceTatamiMat
Shizen TaiNatural PositionTeisho UkePalm Heel Block
Shomen TsukeFront PunchTeisho (Or Shotei)Palm Heel
Shotei UchiPalmheel StrikeTobi GeriJumping Kick
Shotei UkePalmheel BlockTobi Yoko GeriJumping Side Kick
Shuto UchiKnifehandToriDefender
Shuto UkeKnifehand BlockTsukePunch
SokutoFoot EdgeTsuro Ashi DachiCrane Stance

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Uchi Hachiji DachiInverted Open Leg Stance  Ushiro“Back
Uchi Mawashi GeriInside Cresent Kick  
Uchi UkeInside BlockYama Tsuke“Wide “”U”” Punch”
UchiStriking (Also Inner)Yama UkeMountain Block
Ude UkeForearm BlockYoko Empi UchiSide Elbow Strike
UdeArmYoko Geri Keage“Side “”Snap”” Kick”
UkaeAttackerYoko Geri KekomiSide Thrust Kick
UkeBlockYoko GeriSide Kick
UkemiBreakfallsYoko Hiji AteSide Elbow Strike
Ura TsukeClose PunchYokoSide
Uraken UchiBack Fist StrikeYudanshaBlack Belt Level
Ushiro Ashi GeriRear Leg KickZanchinCorrect Focussed Awareness
Ushiro GeriBack KickZenkutsu DatchiDachi Forward Stance

Useful Expressions

Ohayo GozaimasuGood Morning  DomoThank You
OhayoGood MorningDo ItashimashiteYou Are Welcome
KonnichiwaGood AfternoonGomennasaiI Am Sorry
KonbanwaGood EveningSumimasenExcuse Me
OyasuminasaiGood NightWakarimasI Understand
SaiyonaraGoodbyeWakarimasenI Don’t Understand
ArigatoThank YouWakarimaskaDo You Understand
Arigato GozaimashitaThank You Very MuchMo IchidoOne More Time


1Ichi  6Roku


10th KyuWhite  1st DanShodan
9th KyuYellow2nd DanNidan
8th KyuOrange3rd DanSandan
7th KyuGreen4th DanYondan
6th KyuBlue5th DanGodan
5th KyuPurple6th DanRokudan
4th KyuPurple And White7th DanSichidan
3rd KyuBrown8th DanHachidan
2nd KyuBrown One Black Tab9th DanKudan
1st KyuBrown Two Black Tabs10th DanJudan

Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Typical Opening Ceremony

Each training session will usually begin and end with a short ceremony to show respect for your instructor, the dojo and your fellow students. There can be some variation between dojos and instructors:

·         Head student: Shugo /shoo-go/ Line up

·         Head student: Ki o tsuke /key-oht-skay/ Attention

·         Head student: Seiza /say-zah/ Kneel

·         Head student: Mokuso /mok-so/ Close eyes/meditate

·         Head student: Mokuso Yame /mok-so yah-may/ Open eyes


·         Head student: Shomen Ni (or Shin-ze Ni)/sho-men nee/ Face forward

·         Head student: Rei /ray/ Bow

·         Everybody: Onegaishimasu /oh-nay-guy she-mahhs/ – “Will you please?” or “I beg of you.” In karate, “Please teach me,” said to the instructor as you bow to start class, or to a fellow student before you begin working together.

·         Head student: Sensei Ni /sen-say nee/ (or Senpai Ni /sen-pie nee/ if no senior instructor is present) Face towards instructor.

·         Head student: Rei /ray/ Bow

·         Everybody: Onegaishimasu

·         Head student: Kiritsu /kee-ree-tsoo/ (or Tatte /tah-tay/) Stand up/face front

Typical Closing Ceremony

·         Head student: Shugo /shoo-go/ Line up

·         Head student: Ki o tsuke /key-oht-skay/ Attention

·         Head student: Seiza /say-zah/ Kneel

·         Head student: Mokuso /mok-so/ Close eyes/meditate

·         Head student: Mokuso Yame /mok-so yah-may/ Open eyes


·         Head student: Shomen Ni (or Shin-ze Ni) /sho-men nee/ Face forward (or to shrine)

·         Head student: Rei /ray/ Bow

·         Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita /ah-ree-gah-toe go-zie-mahsh-tah/ Thankyou very much. Said to the instructor as you end class, or to a fellow student as you finish working together.

·         Head student: Sensei Ni /sen-say nee/ (or Senpai Ni /sen-pie nee/) Face towards instructor.

·         Head student: Rei /ray/ Bow

·         Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita /ah-ree-gah-toe go-zie-mahsh-tah/ Thank-you very much.

·         Head student: Otagai Ni /oh-tah-guy nee/ Face fellow student.

·         Head student: Rei /ray/ Bow

·         Everybody: Arigato Gozaimashita /ah-ree-gah-toe go-zie-mahsh-tah/ Thank-you very much.

·         Head student: Shomen Ni /sho-men nee/ Face forward

The instructor will then get up and leave, then students in order of descending rank.